Get a professional speaker to present value-added content at your conference
Need expert VirtualAd speakers for your event? Our team has years of experience presenting on relevant, current topics to help businesses succeed. We create original content for each engagement to ensure that your attendees receive valuable, actionable insights.

Past Speaking Engagements

Traffic Summit
Join VirtualAd Founder & CEO Brendan Manley on stage at Traffic Summit, where he walks you through the 4 crucial steps to bulletproofing your funnel strategy.
Tune in and discover how to design a high performing funnel, how to leverage data for optimizing funnel performance, and how to advertise effectively to supercharge your funnel growth.
Affiliate World
VirtualAd's COO Martin Kocandrle reveals when advertisers should diversify their marketing funnel instead of relying solely on one channel. He goes through a real world example showing how to build an $11 million dollar marketing funnel.
Martin is a true believer in empowering the journey of eCommerce entrepreneurs and is passionate about helping store owners succeed in times of uncertainty and opportunity.

Affiliate World
VirtualAd COO Martin Kocandrle unlocks the secret to slashing acquisition costs and how increasing conversions lies in getting the right tracking setup and then diversifying your traffic mix through a proven omnichannel strategy.
Learn how to max out your primary channel by using audience types, bidding strategies, and creative testing - and how to branch your strategy into new channels effectively.
Have questions?
Here are some of the most frequently asked questions. If you don’t see your question below, please give us a call at 1 (647) 886 0075 or contact us here - or please let us know during your consultation call.
Our team is comfortable speaking on topics related to digital marketing for D2C ecommerce and lead generation brands. This could be related to running highly effective paid advertising campaigns, to building high converting ads, to implementing a robust tracking and analytics system and much more.
We focus on attending and speaking at conferences that are attended mostly by retail and direct-to-consumer lead generation brands, as this is where our expertise lies.
Yes, our team is available to travel to conferences depending on if there are synergies between attendees and our focus area as an agency.
Submit a speaking inquiry for your event.
Our team is interested in participating as speakers and panelists and offering non-promotional, original content for attendees.